Become A Member

Membership in HMB allows you full time access (dawn to dusk) to the members’ parking lot, the target butt practice range, the tower practice range and the 3D practice range. Membership also allows you to participate in all Sunday 30-target 3D shoots for free.

Becoming a member is simple. Download the membership form and liability waiver from the links below and fill them in. Once filled in, email them both to Membership dues are $100 per calendar year for individual membership and $150 per calendar year for family membership. Family membership covers two adults and all children under the age of 18 living in the same household. Membership is based on a calendar year from January 1 through the end of December 31.

Membership dues can be paid in one of three ways. The easiest way is with PayPal, however, there is an additional $7 fee to cover the administrative cost of PayPal, The PayPal link is below. You can also mail a check or money order to PO Box 458, Sykesville, MD 21784, or pay cash in person at any one of our events. It is important that you submit the membership application and liability waiver when you pay! Once you pay and we receive your membership application and liability waiver you will be granted access to the member section of this website, which has the code to the lock on the entrance gate. This code is also for the locks on the Porta-Potties.

The club has a work requirement of six hours per calendar year. This can be achieved by helping on work days prior to our Sunday shoots by setting targets and/or trimming vegetation, mowing the parking lot, as well as other activities that may be needed. On days when we have a Sunday shoot, you may help at the registration desk, cook and sell food and drinks or take down targets after the shoot. Other ad hoc work days may arise as needed, such as clearing downed trees after wind storms, or moving and changing out target butts. Coordinate with the HMB president prior to doing any work to ensure he registers your hours. Members who do not meet the six-hour work requirement will have their membership dues increased by $25 above the normal dues the following calendar year. Minors are excluded from the work requirement.

You will need to submit a membership application, liability waiver and make full payment before being considered a member of HMB. Payment alone is not sufficient! If you are a returning member we will only need your payment and liability waiver.

2025 Membership (Individual)
2025 Membership (Family)